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Have you ever been asked to dinner and immediately felt nervous because you're trying to tone up before vacation? 

Have you stood in the aisle at the grocery store for far too long wondering which yogurt is best for you?


What if you could send a 14 word text and have your nutrition questions answered in as little as 5 minutes?*



Low monthly fee, high value on the spot.

ASAP Text Access

Text Bailey and get an ASAP response.

When able, you'll get an answer within 5 minutes!

Sometimes things pop up. Having a nutritionist in your pocket can make spontaneous situations less stressful.

Cancel Any Time

Need me while you're on vacation, and feeling secure when you get back home? Perfect!

Want some support leading up to your wedding festivities with no commitment afterwards? You got it! Keep your subscription open for as long as you feel it's serving you.

Low Touchpoint

Maybe you don't have the time or mental capacity for a coaching program right now. This is a perfect fit.

With no set sessions or scheduled meetings, this is perfect for the busy adult who needs just a few pointers.

And your text count renews monthly!

Each month, we'll chat up to 10 times, whenever you need.*

No matter if you're at the store, heading to a new restaurant, or trying to stay on track while on vacation, your nutritionist is available to you with a quick text!

Enroll today, cancel any time.

After enrollment, you'll get a contract to sign. Once that's done, your text line opens!

Your membership will renew on the same day each month, and coverage extends until your next billing period.

Exclusions and regulations may apply.

Stuff you Need to Know

*Message and data rates may apply. Your text access includes 10 conversations with up to 3 questions per conversation. More than 3 questions asked per conversation will count toward a new conversation.
Example: you text asking about 4 "this or that" options at the grocery store. This counts as two conversations.
Example: you text me the restaurant you're having dinner at and ask what is the best option to order. This counts as one conversation.
**If you are continually over-using generally vague questions in order to "cheat the system" and get more out of conversations, your text access may be cancelled by the provider at any time. All communication must remain professional, kind, and mindful. You MUST sign the contract sent to your email before engaging in any conversations.
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Tailored solutions to help you love your body again.â„ 

Request your free discovery call at

Health and Wellness Consultants, LLC.

Tel: 301.667.5005

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  • Be Well HWC on Facebook
  • Pursuit of Prevention Podcast

© 2018-2023 by Bailey French of Be Well Health and Wellness Consultants, LLC.

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