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Moderation- The One Thing Good for Everything

We say balance and moderation for everything- but why?

We're having this conversation because it's my birthday month! Naturally, friends and family want to help me celebrate. This month has included more sweet treats, more meals out, more drinks to toast with than what I'm used to.

And it will be okay!

Because I know that I am tipping the scales toward health promotion.

One meal, one weekend does not have to throw you off your game.

Even in seasons that include more of the "undesirable" things like stress, the choices you make for the rest of the day are what matters most.

Moderation is not a new concept. While diets may have taken the spotlight on some occasions, moderation and balanced eating has been around for as long as we have!

Hunters and gatherers had no choice but to practice moderation because they didn't have access to anything they wanted every day.

They ate with the seasons, and ate what and when they could.

Moderation is proving to be key in many aspects of life- weight loss, muscle gains, cravings, and more.

But arguably most importantly, moderation is ✨KING✨ when talking about preventing illness.

We're not reaching for balance- that would keep us in the same spot forever.

If you are wanting to get healthier and have more energy, you're looking to use moderation to tip the scales in your favor.

In each of the "Four Core Killer" categories, research shows that moderation is the key to seeing results and keeping them steady.


Cancer is characterized by abnormal cells that grow too rapidly.

While their DNA is not what it should be, cancer cells become dangerous because of the growth.

Cancer cells don't practice moderation.

As far as food goes with cancer, there is a good deal that we can do to support health and prevent cancer cell growth.

It comes down to a moderate intake of everything else, and focusing on adding MORE antioxidant dense foods and high fiber foods. Luckily, those two typically exist in the same foods.

The antioxidants help target the cancer cells and reduce (or re-moderate) the growth of them.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is arguably the most important category on this list in terms of moderation. It's so exciting!

The thing about the heart is that it doesn't regenerate. You get one shot at heart health. Not to say that it's ever too late to improve your health and support heart health, but heart cells don't regenerate like our other cells do.

So back to the moderation piece. Saturated fats are not supportive of heart health. But they're in foods that provide essential nutrients for overall health and general survival.

Saturated fats are not bad. They simply need to be consumed in moderation.

If moderation is not practiced, you damage the heart which can sometimes be irreversible.

Starting moderation today is likely one of the most important things you could ever do.

Pro tip:

-Try to get most of your fat intake from plant sources each day


This one is fun to talk about! Mostly because if you've been diagnosed with diabetes or pre diabetes, you've been told you need to cut out all sugar and follow a very low or no carbohydrate diet. And that's simply not true.

Diabetes occurs because the body builds up a tolerance to insulin- we call it insulin resistance. It develops over time when too much sugar is consumed and not enough gets out of the bloodstream and into the cells or excreted.

It's not that your body CAN'T process sugar- it's that it needs a little help to do so.

Pro tip:

-Eat fiber with sugar, especially first thing in the morning

A moderate intake of sugar paired with fiber can help the body utilize the sugar more effectively and, therefore, actually improve your insulin sensitivity.

Moderation can help take you from a diagnosis to healing your body.

Isn't that what you want to see?

Inflammation + Autoimmune Conditions

Why not focus on iNfLaMmAtOrY sEeD OiLs since EVERYONE and their mother wants to share their opinion?

Seed oils (sunflower seed oil, flaxseed oil, safflower, canola, corn, sesame, etc.) are pulled out from the seed of a plant.

Let's stop here and understand that the oils themselves ARE NOT BAD. They ARE NOT "causing" disease. They ARE influencing less than ideal cell development.

Seed oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids because of the way they are processed. To ensure safety and stability, they have to undergo specific processes. But many times, corners are cut to save time and money and we get lower quality oils that are higher in Omega-6's.

Take canola oil for an example. Traditional canola oil is high in omega-6's. Expeller pressed canola oil has one of the best 6:3 ratios out there (about 1 to 1, making it entirely neutral in inflammatory effect). Walmart sells 2L Expeller Pressed Canola Oil for $20.99, and 1 gallon (3.78L) for $7.48.

Omega-6's do encourage inflammation. But they are also supportive of cardiovascular health.

The problem does not lie in the seed oils.

It lies in the fact that seed oils are in MANY of the foods we eat in a day.

It's not the product, it's the quantity.

AKA- we aren't practicing moderation.

When you check the back of the boxes in your pantry, you'll likely be shocked at just how many items contain safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oil.

Having one of those things each day won't cause an issue, but you might find that it can be difficult to not consume 3 or more of those products every day, especially if you are in a season where busy days require more pre-packaged options.

So what should you do?

Again, no one food is bad or should be entirely eliminated. But you should be mindful of how often you're using seed oils AS WELL AS incorporating MORE anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids from foods like fish, avocado, nuts, and seeds like chia, flax, pumpkin, and hemp.

Pro tips:

-Limit safflower, grapeseed, sesame, corn, cottonseed, and peanut oils. They are highly common (cheap to produce) and have a high ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. You want to flip the scale.

-Incorporate more avocado, whole nuts and seeds, and fatty fish into your diet. These foods are high in omega 3 and can help offset the inflammatory response of omega 6's

-Use olive and avocado oil as often as possible in cooking. Flaxseed oil and coconut oil are second runner up. Flaxseed oil is expensive and coconut oil is a saturated fat, so it does not support heart health and should not be used as often as the other listed. Expeller pressed canola oil is also a #1 choice, but can be hard to find and expensive.

If you're ready to get back to moderation that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods while still seeing results, you're ready for a Food Fightâ„ .

Food Fightsâ„  are 8 week courses that teach you how to eat to prevent chronic illness. That means that you can rest assured your efforts are making a difference in your health.

That translates to more return on investment for you.

Jennifer, a Food Fights Inflammationâ„  student, put it this way:

"I knew most of this already. But having a roadmap to put the habits into practice along with a meal plan showing me how to prepare the foods that will heal my body has helped me stick with the [lifestyle] changes longer than I ever have before. The accountability of the program is what has me feeling lighter I think."

Having the tools and accountability to stay consistent with your progress is what you've been looking for, isn't it?

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