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Healthy Living Guide

Below is a resource list, categorized by your needs. Find links to purchase recommended supplements, kitchen or exercise equipment, sleep support products, and more.

*These are affiliate links. They do NOT cost you extra (most of the time they save you money!) But with every purchase from the links below, we do receive a commission. You are not obligated to purchase through these links, but your support is greatly appreciated.

Home Workout Essentials

We recommend consulting a personal trainer if you are new to exercise. Exercise does not come without risk, so please use caution when exercising at home.

Resistance Bands

Versatile resistance tube set

Floor slider set

Adjustable weight bench with anchors for resistance tubes

TRX go- at home full body system

Dumbbell rack

Wrist/ankle weights (save)

Wrist/ankle weights (splurge)

Non-toxic yoga mat, sweat & odor resistant

Sweat towels for home or gym bag


Please check with both Bailey and your PCP before purchasing these items. While they are all recommended by our lead nutritionist, Bailey, and are safe for nearly everyone, we value making sure you're spending your hard earned money on what's going to work best for you!

Orgain Protein + Superfoods

Protein and supoerfoods
anti-inflammatory joint support supplement

All-in-one Joint Support

Collagen with superfoods

Orgain Collagen + Superfoods

Magnesium Glycinate (powder)

Magnsium powder for electrolytes and energy

Magnesium Glycinate (capsule)

Magnesium capsule for electrolytes and energy

Daily Multivitamin

Daily multivitamin high quality

Kids Multivitamin

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Powdered Daily Multivitamin (berry flavor)

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"Heavy Duty" Daily Multivitamin

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META- Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Blend

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Please check with both Bailey and your PCP before purchasing these items. While they are all recommended by our lead nutritionist, Bailey, and are safe for nearly everyone, we value making sure you're spending your hard earned money on what's going to work best for you!

Easy timed egg cooker

"Set and forget" egg cooker

Multi function air fryer large

Multi-function 6 quart air fryer

Non-toxic glass food storage containers

Glass food storage containers


Please check with both Bailey and your PCP before purchasing these items. While they are all recommended by our lead nutritionist, Bailey, and are safe for nearly everyone, we value making sure you're spending your hard earned money on what's going to work best for you!

Liver + Kidney Cleanse (10 day)

Kidney and Liver cleanse capsules
Activated charcoal for detox

Activated Charcoal (binder)

Fulvic acid capsule for detox

Shilajit (binder)

Castor Oil Pack Set

Castor oil pack for liver detox

Dry Brush set for lymphatic drainage

Dry brush set for lymph drainage and detox

Daily Probiotic

Daily probiotic for bloating and gas
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Tailored solutions to help you love your body again.â„ 

Request your free discovery call at

Health and Wellness Consultants, LLC.

Tel: 301.667.5005

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  • Be Well HWC on Facebook
  • Pursuit of Prevention Podcast

© 2018-2023 by Bailey French of Be Well Health and Wellness Consultants, LLC.

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